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a guy searching for his place in the world

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


hari yang membosankan.....
sebab apa....
sebab hari hujan hampir sepanjang hari..
penantian menunggu paper final yang seterusnya dan ditambah dengan keadan yang sedemikian..

hari ni...
oh bukan hari ini sahaja...
minggu ini hujan turun dengan kerap...
bukan merungut akan rahmat tuhan yang diberikan...
hanya sekadar menyatakan rasa dihati...

hujan pada hari ini lain sedikit...
sebab hujan hari in bermula pada tengahari dan bukan nya petang..
nasib menyebelahi aku sebab dapat mengangkat cadar yang sudah beberapa hari disidai diluar..
sudah beberapa kali basah ditimpa hujan.....

Dengan suasana hujan ini menyukarkan lagi mungkin pada aku untuk menelaah untuk final..
menyiapkan presentation ctu yang perlu dilakukan selepas final paper ctu pada malam itu juga...

ramai yang bercakap:
"korang ni serabut la"
"kenape ??"
"ye la. orang dah final tapi korang masih sibuk2 nak buat presentation"

apa yang diorang cakap itu memang betul...
tak dapat aku nafikan...
tetapi sudah tanggungjawab sebagai penuntut Universiti...

Sebentar tadi rakan sekelas aku datang ke bilik....
dia pun sedang bosan,aku fikir dia juga dalam situasi yang sama dengan aku...
maklumlah hujan..
semua orang tak tahu nak buat apa...

p/s:hari hujan,dah angkat baju yang disidai belum

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


itu yang sering bermain didalam pemikiranku...
pertanyaan tentang pelajaran..
pertanyaan tentang kehidupan...
pertanyaan tentang percintaan...
pertanyaan tentang kewangan..

susahkah sehingga aku tidak mampu mengikuti.nya...
susahkah sehingga boleh menyebabkan stress..
susahkah sehingga boleh menyebabkan pergaduhan..
susahkan sehingga boleh mengeruhkan keadan..

setiap persoalan yang memerlukan masa..
masa yang cukup untuk membuat keputusan yang sesuai...
masa yang sesuai untuk melaksanakan tugas..
masa adalah sesuatu yang aku tidak bolah persiakan..

aku sering mengeluh...
keluhan ini tidak pernah lekang dalam kamus hidup seharian...
keluhan tentang pelajaran yang dimana satu apa pun aku tidak faham..
keluhan tentang kehidupan yang tidak selalunya menyebelahi pihak kau..
keluhan tentang percintaan yang mana adakah aku tidak layak untuk dicintai...
keluhan tentang kewangan yang sentiasa diperlukan..

lupakan semua masalah itu...
tumpukan pada yang satu...
tuhan,bantu aku untuk mengharungi semua ini..
semua masalah ada penyelesaiannya..

aku akan bangun dan menyahut semua cabaran yang datang dengan tabah..
aku punyai pegangan,prinsip hidup dan jati diri..
pantang anak lelaki berputus asa sebelum berjuang...
kerana kehidupan itu juga satu perjuangan..

jangan hanya tahu melaungkan Malaysia boleh..
terapkan pada diri bahawa kau juga boleh..
jangan mengharap orang lain untuk mengalas perjuangan ini..
tolak semua keluhan....
tolak semua dolak dalih
tolak semua penafian..

lakukan semua yang kau sepatutnya lakukan..
lakukannya dengan bersungguh-sungguh..
dan kau akan menerima habua kerana usaha kau..

p/s:mesej ini bukan untuk lelaki sahaja


Dalam beberapa minggu ni aku asyik nak bergaduh..
bukan bergaduh fizikal..
tapi bergaduh dari segi pendapat dan perasaan..
mungkin pada orang lain nampak remeh...
tapi ianya mendatangkan impak besar..
terutamanya pada aku..

aku tak mahu menyebutkan nama...
tetapi orang itu mungkin faham apa yang aku maksudkan...
kenapa aku boleh bergaduh dengan rakan baik ...
sedangkan dia rakan yang boleh dianggap rapat pada aku..
mungkin aku sendiri tak dapat menyesuaikan diri..
tak dapat menerima perubahan..
tak kira dari segi luaran mahupun dalaman..

bukan merungut, tetapi sahaja meluahkan perasaan...
aku sendiri tak mahu bergaduh dengan dia...
aku mahu minta maaf terhadap kelakuan aku..
tetapi susah untuk aku luahkan..
mungkin sekali ego lelaki ku yang terlalu tinggi..
tidak mahu mengalah dengan sesiapa pun...

"silent treatment"ataupun tidak bertegur sapa...
aku terpaksa membatas kan pergaulan dengan dia...
pergaduhan ini menyebabkan aku tidak memahami sepenuhnya pelajaran..
hanya pertentang mata,itupun dengan tidak sengaja...

apa punca berlaku semua ini??

adakah aku sendiri??
adakah diri dia??
adakah situasi??
adakah hidup in keseluruhan??

walauapapun puncanya,masalah ini perlu diselesaikan...
jikalau diri yang dimaksudkan membaca blog ini..
dengan rendah diri aku meminta keampunan..
memohon agar dia tidak membenci aku...
memohon agar dia akan terus menjadi rakan ku...

pada aku,aku tak suka bergaduh..
terutamanya antara rakan rapat...
tak mendatangkan sebarang faedah dan manfaat..

p/s:Nota Permohonan Maaf Rasmi....

Cabaran Hidup


hujung minggu yang penuh cabaran.......

tidak habis-habis dengan ujian......

ujian dekat kelas,ujian luar kelas.......

pening dekat kelas,sakit badan dekat luar kelas.......

.. ..

semua berlumba-lumba,semua berpusu-pusu......

nak menyusahkan hidup kita orang......

Final exam sudah semakin dekat.......

adakah aku sudah bersedia??....

adakah rakan-rakan sudah bersedia.......

.. ..

kepala sudah tepu.......

tepu dengan pelajaran......

tepu dengan masalah......

tepu dengan perkara yang sia-sia.......

.. ..

minggu-minggu yang akan datang......

minggu yang sangat kritikal.......

minggu yang sangat penting.......

minggu yang terpaksa bersusah payah untuk menentukan masa depan......

menentukan adakah aku repeat,pointer turun......

siapa tahu semua itu.......

.. ..

orang kata usaha tangga kejayaan.......

tapi usaha tanpa keberkatan,bolehkah kita mendapat kecemerlangan......

usaha sekadar usaha......

usaha yang sia-sia......

belajar hanya untuk exam......

lepas exam???lupa semua yang dipelajari sepanjang sem.......

tidakkah berasa bodoh semua itu.......

.. ..

kita perlu belajar untuk masa hadapan......

buang semua persepsi bahawa kita belajar hanya untuk exam.......

matang dari segi permikiran.......

.. ..

kita sekarang sudah melankah ke alam dewasa......

jadi dengan ini kita perlu berfikir sebagai seorang yang dewasa......

dan berkelakuan seperti orang dewasa....

.. ..

p/s:jangan terpesong prinsip hidup sudah....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hari Yg Memenatkan

mle2 ari ni je dh x ckop tdo or x tdo lngsung...
tpi yg pnting arsenal lwn celtic mng 2-0...
bgon2 nk pgi kls je mte dh rabak..
dh mcm pontianak hrum sndal malm 3..

mle2 je kls acc yg kls nye ade kt sktor B..
x mnpak plak aq ngn mmber aq gi kls...
msok2 je dh kne wt kje ,nseb baek dh wt tdi kol 3 pg..
pas 2 azab ke-2, kls n quiz mat...
tpi yg pling skit ati yg lecture n quiz ari 2 dbtalkan..
peh pnye la aq tension.....
nseb baek sblum kls 2 aq gi mkn, klu x mngamok aq...

peh ape lgi, blek blik mmbute la...
nseb baek aq bgon nk pgi kls Java...
dh la msok chapter bru n kne wt quiz plak..
ape cite , pack giler ari ni...
nseb baek KO esk...

mcmne pn ari ni kls dh abis jdi leh lpas tension...
mnggu utk ari esk...

Monday, August 10, 2009

aq kesakitan


ari aq mcm nk trkluar tkak aq asyik batuk aje

kls dh giler pack ari ni smpi nk rehat pn x leh

sluruh bdn sakit, ati pn sakit gak sbab plug kt blik x leh gne

semakin ari kpale aq makin semak dgn problem

mcm ni ke life kat U?????????x de spe yg taw.

quiz math tdi dh la x prepare, tup2 je ade wat

quiz. ape kejadah sume ni. rse mcm nk meletup kpale.

kje2 brtimbun tpi aq mcm slow nk selesaikn.

ni plak dr2 cite U nk extend sem ni, biar btol.....

ni sume pasal wabak H1N1 yg skrg ni mnjdi msalah

pasal msalah yg sme SUKOL & PERKAD dpostponed.

hem....ble mslah ni nk selesai????????

persoalan yg mseh jdi tnde tnye stiap org dlm U ni

we just wait and see what happens next.....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Part 2

yesterday is quite tiring for me i think.....its a sunday but it feels like any other day..

that morning i woke up late as usual for a sunday morning and who is going to blame for that...
i was at my home because i have gone home this weekend to finish up some errands that need my attention. i played "kompang" this pas saturday, it is somewhat a rush having the chance to play "kompang" with my friends. i felt worth it that i came back this weekend.

at home i just lay back and feel like he burden that i'm carrying is lifted for just a moment. i start the journey home at 12.30pm with my bike. the journey is long for me ...i guess and my back side is killing me....i was lucky that the rain does not fall because it is a bother if the rain start to fall. the road was not even and there is holes here and there.

i reach uitm around 2pm and staight to my room, there i unpack all my thing and then have an afternoon nap. in the evening we all played football and that is the cause that my foot ache likes crazy...

hemmm.....i think that is all for today....

saying hyeee for this sem

where should i start, maybe from the beginning where we all started the first day of our second semester. i'm in the same room with my last sem roomate Dita. the day pas by same as usual as last sem but with an addition of part 1. its weird to see them because we were thm last sem, its like looking back at ourselves. it seems like i'm a sentimantal type...NOT.

the first day of class for these sem is quite rush, with classes back to back from 8a.m. to 6p.m. its sure make me look foward to sleep for the night. the goog thing about it is i don't have a night classes like the rest of my friend and a few part 1 as well.

ptptn......i stood there for a long time and the result is not in my favor. i'm quite dissapointed, but i got to suck it up and look forward and beyond that as well. after that thing is behind me, there is the matter of the mid sem break that is brought forward because of the H1N1 apedemic that is breaking loose.

despite that i got to go on my moutain expedition with the recreational club, its a fun expedition with lot of good memories. this is one of the thing that i look forward this sem, its is breath of fresh air.

there sem is just beginning and a lot more thing to look forward to..we just wait and see

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fourth Entry

hyee there all my friend...

Maybe you're wondering what i'm doing right now. now im at the end of my first sem as a Uitm student in segamat. my very first time away from home, not so far from home but i thinks it still counts. by the way its also the end of my final exam and i'm still in a pinch. the college application, the food subsidy and other things that has been done online is very frustrating. all have to be done at the last minutes and we're informed late and everyone is in a very bad mood especially me and my roommates.

tomorrow also we have a cs119 class to discuss about past sem question papers. that the other thing that frustrate me....how can my class be the only class to have extra at the end of the semesterwhile everyone is busy for the exam and others going home early... i just got back from home and the problem just keep coming. final exam + college problems + my bike have to be repaired = a big headache and no amout of panadol can cure...

we are all now very close friends, from virtual srangers to bestest of buddy. me and my friend we're looking foward for the holidays and also for the next semester and the fsct that we 're no longer part 1 but part 2 students. problems will come to past and a new chapter of our lives shall reveal a bright future. i wonder, which room will i get next semester????
this question will be answered soon enough.

maybe this will my last blog entry this semester...we will never know..
i've nothing left to say but best of luck to eveyone and have a good holidays.

Friday, April 10, 2009

the thrid entry

asalamualaikum, it feels like yesterday i walk throuh the uitm segamat gate and start off on a new chapter of my life. it is nearing the end of my first semester as a student in uitm segamat and the final exam is just around the corner. the lecture in our class especially the computer science subject are struggling to last minute revision and extra classes for us.

although my c++ test is not promising an A+ but anyway i'll striggle to the finish so that i pass this paper. it is tiring to go to class while the other does not. in order to achieve my goal, i have to set aside this feelings. all in the class has bonded with each other ot like in the beginning of the semester where everyone does't know each other yet.

myfirst final exam paper will start on the 22th of april and will end on the 8th of may. all this studying, test,quizes and extra classes are quite annoying especially the extra classes part, who goes to class on a sunday???it is a wonderfull experience that i gain here and a couple of bad one too along the way. but the main point is that i've enjoy my self and loking foward to the next semester.

Friday, January 30, 2009

23 jan 09 was the start of my 1 week long holiday. Before that, there were some assignment that was given to us to do during the holiday like updating this blog for CS119 class that is conducted by Mr. Malik. The were also a pre-test that was set-up by Mr. Malik and it took me by surprise. It was about the digital logic, logic gate, 1st and 2nd compliment, and a few other things.

That week, was a bit slow because of the upcoming holiday. Everyone is looking forward for this. The class for CS125, we have to combine with part-2 and it is quite fun actually because there were more people than usual. The CTU101 class also have it's share of assignment, the topic that we have to do is quite the hand full but as the team leader this isn't the time to be lazy. The day after the holiday, Ustazah Norizan wants to see the finish product or so to speak. We already divided our task and after the holiday we have to paste it all together to make whole.

The MAT210, have a brief class because we were discussing about pact year questions and the other class have to be cut short because Pn. Siti Fatimah Nur have urgent things that need her immediate attention. On friday, the last day before the holiday, Mr, James said that there will no class that day and we can go back home early. That day was different because there were friends that accompanying me to back home rather than last time ihave to go back all by my self.

The holiday was quite boring actually, there were nothing to do back home. Usually on weekends there will be an activity at the university. I just sleep all day and some times go out at night to meet my friends. The holiday is coming to a close and I'm getting ready to go back to the university. Well that all that i can conclude about the week before and the holiday itself.

Friday, January 9, 2009

7 jan 09,Wed. the first class for cs119 with anew lecture and i'm late. I came to class 5 minutes early and i saw my friend izuddin just standing there alone infront of the class. i stood there with my friend for quite some time,12 minutes to be excact. a few of my friend also came an we stood there together. We thought that was an another class.

me and my friend tried to called the class rep. but all we got was voicemail. Then i called my other friend Annur, she said that it was the right class and the lecture has change. Then we all went into the class. The lecture name was Mr. Abdul Malik, fairly young and sporting in my opinion. He's method of teaching was interesting and enjoyable. That day, we learn about computer system, software, hardware, network, operating system, and many more. The class ended quite soon, maybe because i went into the class a little bit late. Excuseable for the first meetig with the new lecture, i think.

In the afternoon, i have a cs125 class with Pn Sharifah bte Aliman, we learn about pseudocode and flowchart. the class was short because she has to go back and forth because she was teaching 2 class at once.

That it, for that day.This is my first time writing a blog and i hope this blog meets the demand of Mr Abdul Malik expectation.